Creative Brief: 0800 redcab

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The target market analysis showed the direction for our way to create strategy and campaign. In this Creative Brief we designed the new brand – called „redcab“. The color red and the work as pros are the central points for all upcoming communication ideas and activities and we pointed out three to-do’s and developed ideas therefore:
  • communicate „red“: branding of the cars, launch-events, etc.
  • communicate strengths („the pros“): „New Zealand’s Next Top Cab-Driver“, interactive and informative website, etc.
  • stay in interaction with customers: „red blog“, „redcard“, feedback about trip and drives, etc.

The next step for the upcoming weeks is to formulate the strategy for company and campaign and build up the big picture out of all the knowledge and ideas.

1. The Start

Auckland taxi market is competitive (25 million passengers a year, 3.500 taxi vehicles – 20 % from the „Co-Op Taxis“).
The market is deregulated and open for everyone.
New Zealand and Auckland is vehicle-concentrated (less public transport) – good basis for taxi service.
Taxi industry operates only on a low professional level of marketing (no integrated marketing).
An important current topic is the safety- and security-issue.

1.1. Why we act – what to do

We have to act now. Surveys, data and the target market analysis support and recommend an IMC-campaign (integrated marketing communication) because of the existing situation:

  • bad communication
  • bad branding
  • less activities by competitors
  • need for taxi services (stable market)
We implement the first IMC for an Auckland taxi company.

The central steps are:

  1. prime communication at point of purchase (street or ordering)
  2. customer-satisfaction by excellent service (not part of the IMC-campaign)
  3. using customer-experience in campaign and improvement-process of the company

Used media vehicles will be:

  1. branding of vehicles (point-of-purchase)
  2. online and mobile (interaction with customers)
  3. supporting channels (create more brand-recall)

1.2. Objectives for the campaign

Business objective: We increase the number of passengers per 5 % until a year.

Communication objective: We create a unique and memorable brand by implementing new Corporate Identity and Design (CI and CD), surveys confirm that. Different media vehicles are used to inform, get in contact and interact with the target audience.

1.3. The positioning

Refering to the existing market, potential customers and the society the key positioning is:

  • professionalism
  • long-year experience
  • best drivers in the city (they are passioned about the business and get first class training)

The target audience is defined as:

  • Out target market are taxi customers in Auckland region, they interested in professional, valued and safe transport services and want to enjoy their ride with us.

2. The creative part

As defined in the target market analysis the campaign focus on:

  • strong Corporate Identity (CI) and Corporate Design (CD)
  • the driver’s professionalism (route, language, etc.)
  • safety and security
  • taxi is an experience (creating excitement and a dominant reason for going by taxi)

Referring to these points we could highlight three to do’s (see later section with integration and timing):

  1. communicate „red“ (launch-phase to promote the brand)
  2. communicate strengths of the company
  3. stay in interaction with customers

The tone of the brand and campaign is:

  • easy, clear and simple
  • different, memorable and catchy
  • professional, stylish and new

Key messages and/or slogans are:

  • „the red ones“
  • „with the red door“
  • using the word „pros“ to underline our professionalism:
    • „trust in the pros“ – concerning to the current safety and security-discussion
    • „feel the pros“ – going by taxi as experience
    • „rate the pros“ – involving the customers

2.1. The brand – the new Corporate Identity (CI)

The new, memorable and strong CI for the brand is easy and simply:

  • We call the company „redcab“
  • red is part of all (communication) activities and the central idea
  • name is phonenumer – phonenumer is name: 0800 redcab (means 0800 733 222)
  • website:
Corporate Design (CD)

Red as central color – and name for the brand – stands  for:

  • strength
  • attention
  • courage

other colors are white (text on the red area) and black (other text)

The bias red area means:

  • forward movement, activity, progress and transportation
  • the door to the cab (symbolised through the white check in the area)

Used font is „Corbel“:

  • developed as clear font with improved reading experience
  • modern look

2.2. Idea: Branding

  • Description: The branding of the cars is the key point of the new CD, because they are (1) on the point-of-purchase, (2) symbols for the service and company and (3) cheap communication vehicles.
  • Objectives/effects: the redcab is the only one taxi company in Auckland with a consistent branding and look, customer recognize the redcab-taxis easily
  • Key message: „with the red doors“ and „the red ones“
  • Media vehicle: taxis

2.3. Idea: Kick-off-event „city in red“

  • Description: For the launch of the new brand we celebrate a whole weekend the „city in red“. At central points of Auckland we hand out information brochures including vouchers. Stands are branded in red, the Sky Tower is red lighted this weekend.
  • Objectives/effects: gain attention and communicate the new brand
  • Key message: „with the red doors“ and „the red ones“
  • Media vehicle: off-air-events, sales promotion, stand, Auckland Sky Tower

2.4. Idea: „New Zealand’s Next Top Cab-Driver“

  • Description: Following the success of „New Zealand’s Next Top-Model“ we create a TV-show called „New Zealand’s Next Top Cab-Driver“. This game will be produced and broadcasted in cooperation with a New Zealand TV-station, eg. C4. All participants make the redcab-training to get a new taxi-driver. Each week the jury and audience vote one candidate to leave the show. At the end the best cab-driver gets a job at our company and money.
  • Objectives/effects: job and training of cabdrivers is part of current social discussion, publicity for the new brand „redcab“ and the high training- and security-standards
  • Key message: „trust in the pros“ and „feel the pros“
  • Media vehicle: TV, linked with other activities (online, social media, print, cross-promotion, etc.)

2.5. Idea: Face ob „redcab“

  • Description: The winner of „New Zealand’s Next Top Cab-Driver“ will be the „face“ of our company and service. He or she is used in print-, TV- and radio-commercials, as voice for our call service and in the social media (Facebook, writing blogentries, talk about his work in podcasts, etc.). The connection to redcab is ubiquitous, we provide more evidence for the professionalism of our service.
  • Objectives/effects: at least 2000 friends on facebook in the first year, make it easier to remember the brand
  • Key message: „feel the pros“
  • Media vehicle: social media (Facebook, Twitter), Online, Commercials, Brandings, etc.

2.6. Idea: Hear the red!

  • Description: This part of the campaign is a cooperation with a Auckland-based radio station. Listeners can win vouchers when they hear a song with „red“ in the title (eg.  „Lady in Red“ from Chris de Burgh, „Red Red Wine“ from UB40 ) or a song performed by Groups like „Red Hot Chilli Pepper“ or „Simply Red“.
  • Objectives/effective: the new brand „redcab“ is omni-present on air, redcab as new brand is supported – with positive feelings (winning-situation)
  • Key message: „with the red doors“ and „the red ones“
  • Media vehicle: radio

2.7. Idea: Online

  • Description: The new website provide more information (driver-training, security-issues, etc.) and interactivity than other cab-websites and allows visitors to order cabs online, see where cabs are current around, rate the service, play games, etc. For specials activities like the „New Zealand’s Next Top Cab-Driver“ a special website will be created and linked up with the company website.
  • Objectives/effects: at least 5 % of all orders are made via the website, information support the professionalism and create credibility
  • Key message: „feel the pros“
  • Media vehicle: website, social media

2.8. Idea: Mobile ordering

  • Description: Ordering a cab is getting more easy – we create a special application using Google Maps and GPS-data from our cars. So the customer can see where the next vacant taxi is and how long it takes to get to this place. This app is available at the website and for all smartphones (e.g. iPhone, Blackberry, etc.).
  • Objectives/effects: more than 10 % of all orders are using the new application, we reduce cost for the call center, for customers it iseasier to find a redcab-taxi in their area
  • Key message: „feel the pros“
  • Media vehicle: Smartphones and online

2.9. Idea: The red blog

  • Description: To share experience of customers and drivers we implement the „redblog“. Everyone can create entries, the blog is moderated to guarantee balance between entries from customers and drivers and positive and negative reactions. It is allowed to comment on other entries, so we generate a form of communication and interaction.
  • Objectives/effects: at least two entries and 50 visitors per day, allow communication about service and company, share experience, generate content and information for further improvements
  • Key message: „rate the pros“
  • Media vehicle: online (blog)

2.10. Idea: The redcard

  • Description: For regular customers we offer the „redcard“ (private and business) with discounts and payment option (prepaid, credit card, monthly statement).
  • Objectives/effects: 500 redcards in the first year, better relationship to customers, generate data about customer behaviour
  • Key message: „feel the pros“
  • Media vehicle: customer card

2.11. Idea: The „red Saturday“

  • Description: The Saturday is the special day for all redcab-customers with offers and lower fares. This sales promotion go along with activities (hand out flyers, etc.) in shopping centres, malls, bars and clubs.
  • Objectives/effects: increase passengers on Saturday per 5 % within the first year, gain attention and generate regular customers
  • Key message: „feel the pros“
  • Media vehicle: sales promotion in the cab, activities (flyer, etc.)

2.12. Idea: Creative commercials

  • Description: Commercials with controversial signs and slogans link to the new brand.
  • Objectives/effects: creative ideas gain attention
  • Key message: depend on the commercial
  • Media vehicles: print (newspaper, magazines) and online (banner-ads)

2.13. Idea: Rate the pros

  • Description: After each ride all customers get a receipt with important data (acting as pros) including a unique ride-number. Using this ride number the customer can evaluate the ride and drive (online or via txt) and has the chance to win vouchers.
  • Objectives/effects: 8 % of all customers respond to this action, the results help to improve our service and get more information about the customers
  • Key message: „rate the pros“
  • Media vehicles: receipt (personal contact), website and SMS

2.14. Idea: The hardest taxi-driver check

  • Description: The training program of redcab will be improved and each driver has to attend a few trainings per year. Central issues are security, dealing with people, route and language. This part of the campaign is in internal competition, the best participants get rewards.
  • Objectives/effects: animate drivers to visit trainings and learn
  • Key message: „trust in the pros“
  • Media vehicle: internal competition (channels are company newspaper, etc.) – not for the public!

2.15. Don’t forget – other possbile activities

  • search engine marketing
  • yellow pages (online!)
  • public relations (e.g. to newspapers so they will ask redcab when current taxi-topics, bar and restaurant-owner to promote the redcab-service, etc.)
  • sponsorship (e.g. for events)

2.16. Integration and timing

All the ideas are connected together and linked with the main idea of „redcab“ – the color, the unique branding and the focus on the professionalism service. For the campaign we use numerous different channels and media vehicles. The following graphic shows how the could integrated and linked together in time perspective.

The next step is to improve the ideas, put them together and create the big picture – and formulate the strategy.

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